Symetrio changelog

After every theme update you have to reinstall
all plugins included with symetrio theme.

Version 4.3.1

(Sunday, 18 October 2015)

  • [up] Blog Post Boxed – on / on version added,
  • [up]”OneClick Import” and “Dummy Data” functions updated,
  • [fix]Minor errors reported by clients removed,
  • [fix] Issues in the translation module.

Version 4.3

(Wednesday, 7 October 2015)

  • [up] PO/MO file update,
  • [up] Viusal Composer update to 4.7.4 version,
  • [up] Revolution Slider to 5.0.9 version,
  • [up] Wonster Class Schedule optimisation,
  • [fix] Event category improvements,
  • [fix] Open hours, shortcode improvements.

Version 4.2

(Thursday, 17 September 2015)

  • [add] bbPress full integration and customization
  • [add] ThemeCheck compatibility
  • [up] Revolution Slider update
  • [up] Customizer update
  • [up] Manual update
  • [up] Google Maps improvements
  • [up] Responsive table support
  • [up] Main stylesheet update
  • [fix] WooCommerce CSS problems
  • [fix] WooCommerce customizer problems
  • [fix] WooCommerce responsive version issues
  • [fix] Blog modern version problem
  • [fix] Jetpack compatibility issues

Version 4.1.2

(Wednesday, 02 September 2015)

  • [up] Fresh updating mechanism for plugins included to Symetrio Theme. From now you won’t miss any update,
  • [up] –  Revolution Slider update to 5.0.5,
  • [up] PO/MO file update,
  • [up] Search in classic mobile menu,
  • [up] Better integration with Visual Composer 4.6.2,
  • [up] OnePage template improvements,
  • [fix] Instagram gallery shortcode – column issue,
  • [fix] RWD issues,
  • [fix] Headline issues.

Version 4.1.1

(Wednesday, 25 August 2015)

  • [fix] fix wonster plugin: Wonster Classes Schedule – Symetrio Edition
  • [fix] fix wonster shortcode: Wonster Slider
  • [fix] fix wonster shortcode: Google Maps – mobile version
  • [fix] fix paypal integration


Version 4.1

(Friday, 21 August 2015)

  • [up] – Visual Composer update to 4.6.2
  • [up] –  Revolution Slider update to
  • [up] –  OnePage mechanism updated. Linking to specific OnePage sections is now possible
  • [up] – CSS3 animations updated
  • [up] – Plugins and Visual Composer 4.6.2 are now fully compatible with theme
  • [up] – Awesome Font updated to 4.4 version
  • [fix] – fixed errors with previewing event categories
  • [fix] – fixed data format for Class Schedule in Multi-Week version

Version 4.0

(Thursday, 06 August 2015)

  • [new] new mobile navigation
  • [up] ability to chose the menu on WooCommerce pages
  • [up] new Facebook widget, compatible with new API
  • [up] compatible with TGN plugin
  • [up] ability to set date for “class schedule” shortcake in “multi-week” view
  • [fix] issues with new version of “Yoast by SEO” plugin
  • [fix] issue with auto-play for Vimeo in video rows
  • [fix] issues with generating “class schedule” shortcode in default configuration
  • [fix] atuo-scroll issues in onepage type of pages in mobile version
  • [fix] issues in translation module
  • [fix] issues with WPML integration
  • [fix] issues with classes order in “daily schedule”
  • [fix] issues with “tabs” shortcode on mobile devices
  • [fix] issues with links in “clients” shortcode
  • [fix] issues with modern mobile menu
  • [fix] issues with “gallery” shortcode gui
  • [fix] issues with “paypal” shorctocde on mobile devices
  • [fix] issues with adding new classes to “class schedule” in WordPress: Multi-Site

Version 3.6

(Sunday, 29 June 2015)

  • [new] – Demo Dance Studio
  • [fix] – Problem with generating Custom CSS file on some hosting providers
  • [fix] – Row ID (now you can create anchors)
  • [fix] – Missing images inside theme assets
  • [up] – Lots of CSS improvements
  • [up] – Improvements in Wonster Classes Schedule plugin

Version 3.5

(Tuesday, 18 June 2015)

  • [new] – feature that allows you to exclude pages from menu
  • [new] – feature that allows you to import theme settings form txt file replace import form with string
  • [up] – Visual Composer update to 4.5.3
  • [fix] – errors with PO/MO files for theme and plugins
  • [fix] – error with “excerpt” field in class shortcode
  • [fix] – error with strange height in step by step shortcode
  • [fix] – file naming
  • [fix] – problem with filtration in class schedule shortcode

Version 3.4.1

(Friday, 23 May 2015)

  • [new] – feature that allows you to decide whether the custom css file to be generated on the fly and stored on the server. This solves some web hosts and inability to set custom color.
  • [new] – ability to change date format in blog posts
  • [new] – dark store version comapct with theme
  • [up] – improved integration with Yoast SEO plugin
  • [up] Visual Composer update
  • [up] – PO / MO files improvements
  • [up] – coherent with WooCommerce 2.3.9
  • [fix] – issue with showcasing events on class schedule
  • [fix] – some minor problems withvisual composer integration

Version 3.4

(Friday, 8 May 2015)

  • [add] PayPal integration with: Classes, Events, Passes modules
  • [add] Additional control of Google Maps
  • [add] PayPal shortcode added
  • [up] Revolution Slider update to 4.6.93 version
  • [up] Visual Composer update to 4.5.1 version
  • [up] PO / MO files update for Symetrio Theme and Plugins
  • [fix] Siderbar managing improved
  • [fix] CSS corrections for Desktop and Mobile versions
  • [fix] Added target=”_blank” atribute for social media on subpage trainers
  • [fix] Added target=”_blank” atribute for trainers and trainer shortocdes

Version 3.3.1

(Wednesday, 29 April 2015)

  • [up] Visual Composer update

Version 3.3

(Saturday, 27 April 2015)

  • [up] Visual Composer update
  • [up] One Click import update
  • [up] WooCommerce store demo update
  • [fix] WooCommerce store improvements
  • [fix] Alerts improvements
  • [fix] Gallery shortcode improvements
  • [fix] Mobile navigation improvements
  • [up] New control options in circle counter shortcode
  • [up] New control options in clients shortcode

Version 3.2.2

(Saturday, 18 April 2015)

  • [add] Added section; Support on the WordPress Dashboard
  • [up] Revolution Slider updated to 4.6.9 version
  • [fix] Improved Symetrio integrity with WPML plugin
  • [fix] Corrected typos in the messages to the administrator

Version 3.2.1

(Monday, 13 April 2015)

  • [fix] Corrected an error in the module: multisite

Version 3.2

(Tuesday, 10 April 2015)

  • [add] Added to Shortcode Rows (Video Background option) volume control: on / off
  • [add] Added to Shortcode Rows (Video Background option) playback control. User can now pause the video background.
  • [new] Added support for separate sidebars for WooCommerce: Cart Page, Checkout Page, Account Page
  • [fix] Event Steam generating mechanism improved
  • [fix] Default Sidebar generating mechanism improved
  • [fix] Shortcode: Daily Schedule generating mechanism improved
  • [fix] Shortcode: Class Schedule generating mechanism improved
  • [fix] Symetrio no longer generate errors when Visual Composer and Askimet are working simultaneously
  • [fix] Fixed translation error: phrase shoop

Version 3.1

(Tuesday, 31 Mar 2015)

  • [new] Extreme Event – full page demo
  • [new] Simple gym – homepage template
  • [new] Professional gym – homepage template
  • [new] Now you can switch off weekends from Wonster Classes Schedule – Symetrio Edition
  • [new] Ability to change font size inside second and third level of navigation from theme option panel
  • [up] Visual Composer now in 4.3.3 version
  • [up] Translation Moodule improvements
  • [up] OnePage menu improvements
  • [up] Row shortcode improvements
  • [fix] WordPress network small issues

Version 3.0

(Thursday, 12 Mar 2015)

  • [new] One page option
  • [new] Author page with listed posts
  • [new] Navigation style
  • [new] Wonster Classes Schedule – Symetrio Edition is not necessary now. You can disable all fitness modules
  • [new] Fancy page preloader
  • [new] Compatibility with qTranslate an qTranslate X plugins
  • [new] Ability to display only one type of classes in Schedule shortcode – display only X classes from Y schedule
  • [new] Google Calendar in class details in modal view
  • [new] Dev log function to help theme support
  • [up] PO / MO files
  • [fix] Problems with the mechanism for storing thema settings
  • [fix] Problems with NextGEN Gallery
  • [fix] Problems with date translation
  • [fix] Small problems with GUI in theme admin
  • [fix] Small problems with WooCommerce integration
  • [fix] Small porblems with Countdown shortcode

Version 2.3.1

(Tuesday, 21 Feb 2015)

  • [fix] package
  • [up] shortcode improvements
  • [fix] issues in php files

Version 2.3

(Tuesday, 17 Feb 2015)

  • [new] Update notifier
  • [new] Ability to add a custom font (Appearance > Theme Option > Fonts > Font – family)
  • [new] Ability to change header navigation for pages like: trainers, classes, events, rooms
  • [up] Manual update
  • [fix] Shortcode countdown
  • [fix] Symetrio Events and Symetrio upcoming events widgets
  • [fix] Navigation issues
  • [fix] Wonster Shortcode (strange behevior in particular situation with Visual Composer)
  • [fix] Translation for Daily Shedule shortcode
  • [fix] Admin panel issues
  • [fix] Customizer issues

Version 2.2

(Tuesday, 4 Feb 2015)
  • [fix] filtration in trainer shortcode
  • [fix] issue with class schedule in mobile view
  • [new] Visual Composer 4.4.2
  • [up] Wonster Theme option save mechanism
  • [up] Dummy data update

Version 2.1

(Tuesday, 20 Jan 2015)
  • [fix] translation for Countdown shortcode
  • [fix] translation for Schedule module
  • [fix] issues with class schedule in multi week mode
  • [fix] issues with class schedule for mobile view
  • [fix] issues with class page for mobile view
  • PO/MO files improvements

Version 2.0

(Tuesday, 20 Jan 2015)
  • [add] – integration with pricing table plugin Easy Pricing Tables Lite by Fatcat Apps –
  • [add] – new color scheme – Martial – arts
  • [add] – new Demo – Martial – arts
  • [add] – new facebook like box widget
  • [add] – attribute link for icon shortcode
  • [fix] – Optimisation for Wonster Shortcodes for Visual Composer – Symetrio Edition
  • [fix] – issues with excerpt field for news shortcode
  • [fix] – issues with new classes for column shortcode
  • [fix] – issues with divivder shortcode
  • [fix] – Hiding search search input for mobile navigation
  • [fix] – Customizer imrpvements
  • [fix] – issues with Class Schedule in multi-week module
  • [fix] – issues with centered background in class page for Firefox
  • [fix] – PO/MO update
  • [fix] – Target “_blank” for instagram gallery link
  • [fix] – Target “_blank” for social media elements

Version 1.2.1

(Tuesday, 13 Jan 2015)
  • [fix] – Events review:
  • [fix] – Upcoming events – widget
  • [fix] – Events – widget
  • [fix] – Events – shortcode
  • [fix] – Pagination
  • [fix] – Translator improvement
  • [new] – Option tab in Classes Schedule

Version 1.2

(Thursday, 8 Jan 2015)
  • [fix] – target link in IconBox shortcode
  • [fix] – problem with displaying coaches list in class detail
  • [fix] – error with saving in Theme Options panel
  • [fix] – problem with long event name in Event shortcode
  • [new] – woocomerce recent products shortcode
  • [new] – option that allows to hide difficulty level in class page
  • [new] – option that allows to hide difficulty level in class shortcode
  • [new] – trainer sorting option in class page – the order determined by the attribute “order” in trainer admin page
  • [new] – option that allows to hide empty space (hours in which there is no scheduled classes) in Schedule shortcode

Version 1.1

(TUESDAY, 30 Dec 2014)
  • Improved speed of plugins
  • Improved speed of theme
  • Removed errors from theme settings

Version 1.0.3

(Monday, 22 Dec 2014)
  • Speed improvements
  • Plugins update
  • WordPress 4.1 Compatible

Version 1.0.2

(Monday, 8 Dec 2014)
  • Fixed: display bug with main navigation on Safari (Windows)

Version 1.0.1

(Thursday, 4 Dec 2014)
  • Navigation improvements
  • Theme options improvements

Version 1.0.0

(Wednesday, 3 Dec 2014)
  • Initial release